Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Tak is possibly one of the most terrifying nonsense words I've ever gotten out of a book. This book, to be exact. To be more exact, Desperation by Stephen King. Now his books are pretty gruesome/eerie/creepy/horrific at the best of times, but this one had this whole religious element in it. Like the "force of evil" that the main characters was battling was actually a god. But who are the main characters?
First off there are Peter and Mary, who are driving along when a huge cop pulls them over because their license plate was gone. The cop has a hunch and searches their car, and just happens to find dope in the backseat (from Peter's sister). He takes them in. Later he pulls over Ellen and Ralph and their two kids David and Pie. This happy foursome was RV-ing across the southwest states and get pulled over because the cop says there's a madman with a rifle on the loose. Lastly we have Johhny Mandeville, the writer who has been in the tabloids since the day he got his first novel published. He's a king of controversy and he gets taken in by the humongous cop because he was taking a "potty break" (although that's not the term King uses) by a state road. These people plus Mr. Billingsley, a resident, end up in the holding cell in the sheriff's office of Desperation, a tiny little mining town. Later they're joined by Steve and his hitchhiker Cynthia, who have been sent out to find Johnny Mandeville. The cop turns out to be inhabited by the "force of evil" known as Tak.
Speaking of Tak, there are a lot of other nonsense words in this book, like a whole language. I'm going to post a guide I worked out right here, although keep in mind this is only to the best of my knowledge, not any definite translations.

Tak ah lah/ I am God
Cay de mun/ Open your mouth

Yep, that's about all I know. I liked this book, it was one of the few Stephen King books I didn't try to rush through the end on because it was starting to bore me or I was tired of reading it. Of course, this one was relatively short.
Speaking of Stephen King, my friend John recently read the first chapter of Carrie. He is now disgusted by everything that happens in girls' locker rooms.