Saturday, October 9, 2010

It's Almost Midnight and I'm Still Awake Reading For This Stupid Readathon.

It's almost at the point where I'm like, "Why did I do this?" I'm tired, my stomach hurts from eating crackers and cheese to boost my energy (although the pepper jack was worth it, mmmmmmm.), my contacts are burning in my eyes, and I feel like I'm typing complete gibberish. But it's all in the spirit of general bookishness, right? So it's gotta be worth it!
Currently I just finished The Wastelands by Stephen King and I'm going to begin reading Kingdom Keepers II: Disney at Dawn by Ridley Pearson. My little brother FINALLY turned off Call of Duty and is going to bed soon, I guess... bummer, I'm kind of enjoying the company. My dog has noxious gas and she's sleeping peacefully five feet away from me, making sure I smell every last puff of it. Quite the reading environment in my household tonight.
Man, I get sarcastic when I'm tired. I should write like this more often. I could be the next Rowling or Meyer.
ANYWAY, I wanted to participate in this Ban This Book! minichallenge. You have to explain why you could ban a certain book that may not necessarily be banned. Let's start with the book I just finished: The Wastelands by Stephen King.
Hoo boy. What a lot I could say. Let's start with demon possession, excessive swearing, VIOLENCE, cyborg robots that are actually really scary, a killer train... I don't know, there's a lot that you could ban this book for. But aren't all Stephen King books that way? and besides, life in general is ban-able (is that a word?). Any book that is good enough to not have ANY cause whatsoever for banning is probably going to be kind of dull or COMPLETELY out of touch with reality. I mean, you could ban a book about kids making cookies because it promotes using a stove or something.
Off to start my next book! Upstairs, in bed, alone, because my brother just left. Dang.
By the way, this picture is from The Wastelands. I LOVE IT. I'm going to scan it and hang it up on my wall.

Readathon: Hour 8, Almost

Officially, this is almost hour eight of the readathon as I type this. But for me, it's only about hours 5 because I slept through the first three hours. Sorry guys! I'm still in the middle of my glorious Stephen King book, The Wastelands (see last post for a pic). I'm going to try to post pictures of me reading later or tomorrow, but I'm too lazy at the moment to spend all that energy uploading.
So far so good!
One of the mini-challenges was "Love to Hate". You have to list 5 characters that you love to hate in your favorite books. I've heard some interesting ones, from President Coin (Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins) to Cathy and Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte) so now I'm trying to compile my own list. It's hard!

  1. Bella from Twilight by Stephenie Meyer: she's kind of pathetic, and even though I love the books she cracks me up sometimes.
  2. Squealer from Animal Farm by George Orwell. We just read this book in class and I can't believe how devious that little pig is!
  3. Stark from Airhead by Meg Cabot. Head of an evil corporation... he's EVVVIIIILLLLL.
  4. Mr. Harvey from The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Can you say pedophilic creep? *shudder*
  5. Bob Ewell from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. God, he drives me INSANE. He's such trash, and yet he thinks he's all high and mighty compared to Tom Robinson. Makes me sick.
So there's my list. I'm sure there are many I forgot to consider, but I love to hate these guys. I tried to keep out major, obvious villains like Voldemort and stuff. I went more for pathetic characters. I love making fun of them.
Gotta keep reading!

Dewey's Read-A-Thon, October 2010

Okay, I am so flippin' EXCITED to be participating this year. Last year I wanted to and couldn't find the time... and even this year, I have a festival to go to with my best friends today, but I'm still going to read up to the point I leave and then come back and read till 5 AM like my time zone says. =)
It's going to be FUN! Right now I'm reading The Wastelands by Stephen King, book #3 in the Dark Tower series. It's dense, but really good so far. It did a nice job of unconfusing me from the last book, because I was having problems when I read that. Stephen King never ceases to amaze me... a giant cyborg bear? Completely commonplace in one of his books.
Hopefully later today I'll be able to post pictures. Or tomorrow. Or something. I don't know how often I'll post today, I'm really busy and reading gets addicting. You know how it is. Or maybe you don't, I don't know.
ANYWAY, I'm going to start to try posting on here again. Because I haven't been on here in like, a YEAR. Maybe I'll just do a weekly recap of what I'm reading because I'm too busy to do a post per book. Seriously, this sophomore year from Hell-sinki is going to flatten me. Which is why I need days like this to recover on my downtime and READ. Yay!