Well it BETTER look a lot like Christmas, since it's December flippin' 23rd. Hello, tomorrow's CHRISTMAS EVE! This is a picture from our Christmas last year (thanks to my mom for her photo skillz). We got the tree set up, we got lights, we got indoor heating, everything's all nice and cheery. And although you can't see it, we have cashews and candy canes in the kitchen and I'm sliding around in my pajamas and uber-fuzzy socks, which means it's pretty much the best day ever.
I gotta tell you, we have a lot of good holiday memories. Especially last year. Last year was the year I got SOCKS for Christmas. I know it's a cliche... kid gets socks for Christmas and realizes they must have been naughty, because, hello, who in their right mind wants socks for Christmas? I DO. I'm a sock FANATIC... I gotta upload a picture of my sock drawer, it's like an explosion of rainbow cottony KABLAM. It's pretty intense. This is why my grandpa thought it a good idea to get me a cardboard packing box filled entirely with... socks. Rainbow socks, camouflage socks, striped socks, knee highs, leg warmers, fuzzy socks, mismatched socks, socks with dogs on them, and my favorite, BOOK SOCKS. That's right, THEY EXIST! *cue Holy Grail-esque music here*
This year, we're hanging out at my Aunt Janet's on Christmas Eve. They always have a party and serve tons of seafood, and even though I'm a vegetarian there's usually a lot of dessert, so, you know, I'll survive. Even if it means I have to eat only chocolate, I refuse to go hungry! I'm slightly disappointed because I kind of wanted to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" this Christmas Eve and I can't because we're going out for the night. Maybe I'll TiVo it. (Does anybody even say "TiVo it" anymore?)
Saturday Night Live did an awesome parody of "It's a Wonderful Life". Cracked me up, plus it had Jeff Bridges, how good can it get? Unfortunately I can't find the video anywhere, so you'll just have to take my word on how great it is.After Christmas Eve this year, things get tricky. We go to my grandparents' on Christmas Day for a food-and-presents FRENZY, then the next day, the day where normally we're all in food comas, lethargically cleaning up wrapping paper and drinking leftover peppermint tea, we'll be hightailing it to the Bay Area to see my dad's side of the family. I haven't seen my cousins in FOREVER, so I'm really excited. Plus I have a ton of reading to do, so I don't mind the 7 hour car ride.
Doesn't this look like my kind of Christmas tree? I kinda like it. Maybe I'll do this when I grow up. It's kind of... festive. Although I still love the SUPER decked out, mega tree with tinsel and popcorn chains, so weighed down with ornaments that it looks like Atlas holding up the world. Just saying. Our tree looks more like that. Although my mom's convinced it's crooked this year, even though we keep reassuring her IT'S FINE...
Well, I better go finish Breaking Dawn (just club me now) so I can get around to reading some better books. Like my library books. I NEED TO SPREAD SOME CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
Put on this blog by Nosilas at the time of... 1:51 PM
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