So, I read Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson (author of Speak, another good book) yesterday. You gotta love a book that has a cynical, sarcastic, witty teenager. Especially if the story's told from first person. Meet Tyler, a kid who screwed up his life by covering his high school in graffiti and accidentally leaving his wallet behind at the end of junior year. After fulfilling community service with the school janitors and working his summer job at a landscaping company, Tyler has gone from Nerdboy to Tyler, the Incredible Hulk. Somehow, he ends up responsible for breaking the hottest girl in school, Bethany's foot. Slowly she starts getting interesting in him, and finally they end up going to a wild senior party together. Bethany wants to go too far, however, and Tyler puts a stop to it and drives her and her also wasted brother home. The real surprise comes later, though... Some pictures were taken of Bethany at that party, and everyone thinks Tyler did it...
This book also involves Tyler's relationship with his strict, hard-to-please father. All in all this book was a great read. This next part is from the climax of the book.
From the toilet I could see the bottom half of my face in the mirror. A guy could only hate himself so much, could only get sucker-punched a couple million times before he'd finally get the hint that maybe the world didn't want him around.
Why bother trying? What was the point? So I could go to some suck-*** college, get a diploma, march out into a job I hated, marry a pretty girl who would want to divorce me, but then she wouldn't because we'd have kids, so instead she'd become the angry woman at the other end of the kitchen table, and the kids would grow up watching this, until one day I'd look at my son and he'd look just like that face in the bathroom mirror?
If that was life, then it was twisted.
Oh, the suspense!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
"Everybody told me to be a man. Nobody told me how."
Put on this blog by Nosilas at the time of... 1:07 PM
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