Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Very Corny Braid!

If you read Party Princess, you will know what I'm talking about. I love Meg Cabot's books... Something about them just makes you want to read them all (if you're a teenage girl, at least, which I am). Party Princess is part of her Princess Diaries series... It's Volume VII, and the only one I hadn't read.
I can't believe I haven't read it, though! I mean, there are so many little inside jokes and things I didn't pick up on later in the series... This is where they all were. I think I need to list the inside jokes.

Inside Jokes in Party Princess I Missed Out On Before I Read It
1. Mia's dancing
2. When The Guy Who Hates IT When They Put Corn In The Chili actually gets a real name
3. When the Drs. Moscovitz got divorced *sob for Michael*
4. Fat Louie's Pink Butthole
5. The Zine
6. Braid!

I don't think anyone can live without knowing what these mean. You will only know what these mean if you read Party Princess. While you're at it, read the whole series...
Although the movie adaption of the first book (Disney's The Princess Diaries) kind of sucked. First off, it says specifically in the books she has blonde hair, not brown, like Anne Hathaway does. And Grandmere's not supposed to be NICE! I'm sorry, Julie Andrews, but you're not evil enough. Also, Michael leaves after the second movie! They're together for almost the whole series, no way did he just leave her!

But yeah, the books are AWESOME. So if you are a hysterical teenage girl who fell in love with Twilight, read these, because The Guy Who Hates It When They Put Corn In The Chili has some Edward-from-Twilight-ish qualities... But Michael's way better.