Saturday, November 21, 2009

Heroes in Greek Mythology

This was a random book I checked out from the school library because we're reading The Odyssey in English and I'm going through a Greek mythology phase right now, I guess.
But this book turned out to be a bit less informative than I hoped, because it had only about six or seven different tales; there are thousands more I want to read!
I think basically Karen Bornemann Spies wrote this book as an easy-learning book for elementary school kids, too, because at the end of every chapter there are comprehensive questions. But then at the beginning of each myth there's a long introduction about where this story originated in mythology, so it sends of mixed signals about who this book is for: mythology analysts or fourth grade nosepickers?
I'm a bit confused. Still, the book has some good information and it was short and the print was large. ♠♠