Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening

As you can tell, I've been keeping up with my vampire reading. In fact, that's actually my plan: start a bunch of new vampire series just so I know what the heck my friends are talking about at lunch.
No, I'm not watching the TV series of this book series because I heard they're nothing alike and I really only want the book version. But everyone else I know watches it, and at least now I know who they're talking about when they go "OMG STEFAN'S SO HOT!!!"
*ahem* Anyway, The Awakening starts off with Elena's(the main character) diary entry, where she admits to feeling like something bad will happen soon. In fact, anything but happens: she meets Stefan at school that day, the handsome stranger who ignores Elena, even though she's pretty much queen of the school. Sounds like Edward and Bella reversed, huh? Slowly Elena and Stefan begin to bond, though... actually it happens more a quick transition from "I-hate-your-guts" to "I-can't-stop-kissing-you."
Then Stefan reveals that he knew someone like Elena a long time in his past, named Katherine, and that she turned him and his brother Damon into vampires in Renaissance Italy because she loved them both too much to live without them. Then she killed herself because she couldn't bear to cause strife between them.
So now Damon and Stefan hate each other's guts. And Elena, the human, seems to be in love with them both, which is a major deja vu.
But the real question is, who is attacking people in the cemetery late at night, leaving bloody ruins?
After reading Marked, this book was a bit of a downfall and a slightly cliche vampire story, like the many that are now out there thanks to Twilight. (GOD I NEED TO SEE NEW MOON SOON!) Still, this series is cool in the way how the whole story is taking place around a time paradox so far, and I can't figure out: How will Elena avoid making Katherine's mistakes? ♠♠♠♠

I also apologize for having the TV series picture substitute as a cover pic; this picture looks exactly like my book except mine says The Awakening below the title. I couldn't find that pic on google and I'm too lazy to take my own. =)