Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Good Speed-Reread

I just reread New Moon by Stephenie Meyer in preparation for the trivia contest I'm entering at school tomorrow to get my ticket for the party in the library on Thursday. I forgot how much I honestly loved the series; sometimes when the hype gets too big I tell myself it's not as good as when there was only Twilight and it was a single book with a good love story, but then I reread New Moon and realize HOW COULD I LIVE WITHOUT JACOB BLACK??? I love him!!! I'm sad to say I'm leaning away from Team Switzerland at the moment towards team Jacob. Actually, I'm starting a new team: TEAM MIKE!
For those out there who truly, honestly, do not know the plot (people who live in boxes or under rocks or in dumpsters) here's a brief one... I've described this book in so many y!a answers that I'm a bit sick of it.
Bella and Edward's relationship is going strong when she gets a papercut and Jasper almost eats her on accident. This convinces Edward he needs to leave for Bella's own good, so he does, and he was WRONG; Bella goes into a downward spiral until she is lifeless, barely a person anymore. She slowly starts to wake up as she starts fixing up old motorcycles with her buddy down at the Quiluete reservation, Jacob. (Why's she fixing up the cycles? Because when she does reckless things she hears Edward's voice.) But suddenly Jacob starts acting weird after a mysterious fever. Bella finally confronts him and discovers he and a few of his buddies are now WEREWOLVES; and they're designed to kill vampires. Why the sudden transformation: VICTORIA (from Twilight, the redhead vampire) is back on the hunt, and she wants Bella because Edward killed her mate, James. Now the werewolves are keeping Bella safe.
And that's not all: after a HUGE misunderstanding, Edward ends up thinking Bella committed suicide and he tries to kill himself. Then it's a race against time as Bella travels halfway around the world to stop him so they can be together again.
And lastly, Bella has the best epiphany of ALL TIME. Unfortunately I cannot put it here because of copyright stuff. I wish I could though, because it's amazing.
All in all, great reread. Not the best reread ever, I mean it didn't make me cry like The Deathly Hallows, but I honestly think New Moon is my favorite out of the whole series which is weird because most people HATE New Moon seeing how Edward's gone for most of it. But I like it because it introduces Jacob and we get to see more of the Quileute side of Forks, and how Bella can't live with vampires AND werewolves, but she can't live without them both, either. ♠♠♠♠


Anonymous said...

Thanks for filling me in on the plot. I live in a box...or under a rock...or in a dumpster. And I enjoy my view from there, actually. :)