Friday, June 26, 2009

Welcome to Nosilas's Library!

So, the reason I started this blog... To keep track of all the books I read, and keep track of how I liked them, which ones I would go back to, and so on. And yes, I am the Bookie Monster, so if you see me you will probably see a book with me. Okay, one more thing: if you do not like this blog, leave. Just leave, don't leave crud in my comments. This blog was strictly for me to reflect on what I'm reading this summer and keep track, so if you came here and got ticked because there's nothing worth reading on here to you, nobody's asking you to stay. All-righty! Moving on!

Starting off with my favorite series of all time...

Yes, this is the best series ever. And I'm rereading it just in time for the midnight premier (which, of course, I'm going to) of the Half-Blood Prince movie, which is the sixth book. I'm currently rereading The Deathly Hallows, and about halfway through it. I love these books!
The movies, however, are great too. Look at some of the posters for The Half-Blood Prince...

EEEEE look at all of them! I'm getting excited... I always reread the series in the summer when I have time to lay back and enjoy every word of J. K. Rowling's written perfection. I can't wait to see the movie! In fact, my friends and I will be making T-shirts for the event... I will try to post pictures later...
Anyway, that's what I'm reading right now, I suggest everybody in the world read these books. That's all from The Bookie Monster for now, I guess.